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Thursday, 25 September 2014

Around SixAM news

I wake up. Usually I don't do this. The kids usually wake up at night, the older one from time to time, when something tremendous happens during the day... The younger one pretty regularly, to transfer from his cot to our family bundle-sleep-heaven.

I think about life. How appropriate;)

No way I will fall asleep again. Getting up and leaving all peacefully asleep is surprisingly uplifting, both literally and, well... not

I am almost ready to think through my lifetime plans owhen the young one wakes up.
Calling that whole philosophical approach off.
Nappy change is a real wake up call.

Life is pretty, and you only get to this conclusion once in a good while.

Monday, 22 September 2014

The world is ours

This weekend was extremely hectic.
Saturday resulted in yet another approach to interpret the Funny Bones cartoon Zosia has been studying at school lately.

(Last weekend we went to the London Museum of Zoology, to see the bones, and skeletons of various species, including our pretty successful attempt to reconstruct a gorilla out of a stack of small and large pieces of, well, bones. Quite exciting actually. All were happy to touch skin of a huge snake, see how a hedgehog can protect itself, look at bat's beautiful wings, oh, and meet a scarab. Or its scaringly authentic model...)

Meaning, we got ourselves tired, viewing houses and apps, wandering around surrounding parks, visiting local McD's (as you do when you promote a healthy and balance lifestyle for you and your family, 'cause it's easy, affordable, and simply and long-term: the best), and checking how sturdy a floor in each of bedrooms available to view might be (that's our mini-man; for now it looks like he will make a career in tapping ... and I mean dancing, not playing the guitar)

The air was soo much better, without the usual smog welcoming us pretty every day from the Thames.

Sunday, in turn, revealed another consequence of the previous day's endeavour: a hoarse voice of the youngest among us. Meaning, we stayed at home most of the time, looking forward to the final match. Which was a great thing to watch, and even better to celebrate afterwards.


Thursday, 18 September 2014

Ha! ;)))

After 10 years he finally admitted he actually thinks I'm right saying its important how you say things, not just what you say

Sooo many discussions about importance of content over its form, now a complete waste of time

(Over?)load with news

One morning, we had a serious discussion about news. By some it might even be understood as a cut-throat quarrel. There seemed to be no tolerance to my hunger for news.

I have only recently realised that up until recently I was one of them: totally controllable rep of masses.
Now I am one of those who sense conspiracy against us all. That includes, and does not limit to, chemtrails.
When my phone buzzes letting me know there's an email in my inbox I have not yet read, I don't go frantic about it. Does it mean I'm indeed beyond? If so, why can't I turn the sounds off? ...

A sense of solitude, my universe narrowed down to morning routine on our way to the primary school, and hastened trips to collect, with some days of total void in between... Enough self-pity. There's over 5k mums like you, at least Polish mums in the UK sharing their frustrations, issues and ideas on FB...

Would I be the same without kids? Would I be better-off? Would I wear wool bluebonnet (how appropriate, especially today...) and visit church as often as my bathroom? Would I wander around, visiting countries, exploring mountains, becoming quite an apty climber?

I just had a beer. Too many thoughts in one glass. Not having another though. I'm a mum:)