When you look for sth here

Monday, 18 May 2015


I love Spain. I love many countries, some of which I never had a chance to visit (yet:_), but there is something magical, inspirational, and mysterious about Spain that makes me think of it most.

So far I visited Ordessa, Grenada, and Tenerife, and in short you might label this triplet: 'from survival to luxury'. Well, almost; the first was a 2-week hike with 13kg backpack of survival kit:_), the last: a pool at a side and a multi-course breakfast.
Yet, I've always missed the fact the only proper phrase I could say there was: 'No hablo espanol'

Therefore, when I had a chance to enter uTalk world, my first and instant decision was to try out and learn Spanish from there.

uTalk is an app available for all iPad and/or iPhone users to help you learn language in the least stressful way possible – by playing a game. Or two:_)

Like most people, I am all eyes when absorbing information. And I like to see things in a nice way - esthetic, you see... The uTalk is 100% for me in that aspect alone. Clear, concise (not an easy thing to achieve with 120 languages available:_), and carefully designed.

First, let's go the free way, available, yes, you read it correctly, at NO cost: 'Starter Words'.

It is not your easy path to achieve proficiency level in a language – it is a path from which you can easily spot other possibilities, to learn more, to strengthen your will to want more.

There is 1 topic associated, with several options, starting from practice, to various games (easy, hard, memory), to recall of what you have been able to learn so far. All that in an easy, non-time consuming way, allowing you to play 5 mins at at time, fitting in your busy/free/laid back/super-organised approach. Brilliant!

You learn 15 basic phrases (including the one I already knew: I don't understand, and a word for a restroom, which is again genius, and so practical, not only when you are traveling with kids:_)

If you get hooked (and probably you will), you are welcome to buy 2 paid options: Essentials (with 11 topics, pretty decent amount of material to dig into), and/or Premium (37 topics).

I went the full Monty route, and for £11.99 I was gone. Actually, it took me a while to convince myself to switch from 'Vacation' to writing this little opinion of mine.

To be honest, I am still building el castillo de arena a la playa. Watching la puesta del sol. After all day playing with el frisbee.

Not to worry that I miss a word – the Premium option has a built-in dictionary, 1000+ phrases and words.

You see?:_) I am hooked...


uTalk is developed by EuroTalk, publishers of language learning software and apps in 135 languages.
http://eurotalk.com/.  They recently launched new mobile website. To celebrate that launch, I have THREE PREMIUM CODES of the uTalk application to giveaway. Hurrah! Just in time for your next holiday!!!


who will be contacted soon to have the code received, and be able to test uTalk to the full:)))

If you fancy getting one of the Premium codes, in a language of YOUR choice, just leave a comment below with your preferred language, and share this blog post on Google+
(The example of an entry then would be a comment like this: 'Indonesian')

You are welcome to like my Facebook page, too.

You may be anywhere in the world :)

Just make sure you make it before the deadline: 12PM BST (that is British Summer Time) on Friday, 29th May.

Winners will be announced here, in this very post, on Monday, 1st June. So keep that date in mind, and come back for an update then, just in case!


  1. Replies
    1. May I just say, what a great choice:) and please, do contact me with your email address to have your code sent out :)) you can visit my FB page, link is in the post above, and send a message from there:)

  2. I use Duolingo to learn spanish and I love that, you should check that out too!

  3. The app sounds great! It's always good to learn a new language! :) x

    1. Yes, it will not make you teach Spanish at a uni;) but I'm pretty amazed at the amount of vocabulary you soak into only by playing around, really:))
