When you look for sth here

Monday, 29 February 2016

Mathematical challenge ALL THE NUMBERS YOU CANNOT HAVE


In the garden, at the garden table, the couple is sitting in comfortable rattan chairs, drinking tea, eating biscuits

(reading a book out loud)- 'and then, he just held his last breath, and died' ... well, that make sense
- ... sorry, what?
- the last breath suggests in itself there is no more breathing left ... so logically then, you die
- fair enough

In the garden, at the garden table, the couple is sitting in comfortable rattan chairs, drinking tea, eating chocolate cake

- if you have good heart, and head full of porn movies, you're sorted
- ... sorry, what?!?
- that's the result of newest research done by US psychology association, apparently. They were testing 123 couples over a 5-year period. It turns out thinking about porn and being kind to each other gives you pretty good chances for a healthy relationship
- fair enough

In the garden, at the garden table, the couple is sitting in comfortable rattan chairs, drinking tea, eating sandwiches

(reading a journal out loud) - 'Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Sunday' ... hm, Sunday again !
- you forgot Friday
- no I didn't
- yes you did, you said Thursday and then Saturday - forgot Friday
- Oh, I was just reading the weekly spelling task from her journal. There is no Friday but Sunday is mentioned twice. Interesting...
- Is it? Maybe they just forgot...
- What if it's some kind of a code? Like, don't think of the last day of workweek too much, try to spend more quality time with your kids on Sundays
- seriously ...
- what?!? what if I am right!?!
- fair enough

In the kitchen, Her cooking, Him reading a newspaper, sitting at the table.

- I think that if I hear fair enough one more time from you, I'm calling that whole thing off ...
- What do you mean?
- I mean a divorce
- You want a divorce because of fair enough??? What about us? What about our life together? What about the passion?
- Exactly ...


Sunday, 28 February 2016

Never sit on a ... [the elongated version]

5 Mayflies gather around the crib, where a little mayfly lies softly and peacefully. Each one of them has a wand.

Mayfly 1 
We only live 1 day. Darling, remember to enjoy every second to the full. Life is full of surprises, don't let any of them slip away. You never get a second chance.

Mayfly 2
Don't let others fool you. Be inquisitive and bright. Stay calm, and listen, and look before you speak. Listen before you judge. And once you judge, don't be afraid to stick to it.
Mayfly 3
Have courage to discover new things. Don't be afraid: nothing wrong may happen to you when you follow your passion, when you do what you feel is right for you.

Mayfly 4
Be beautiful inside out. Remember, this is not about the looks. This is about staying true to yourself. Then, and only then, you are truly beautiful. Minutes passing by - regardless...

Mayfly 5
Never sit on a Fae...

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Sleepless in London

- What is dream? Why do I need it in the first place?
- You're asking for a medical reasoning behind sleep?
- You're serious? I'm here talking about dreaming, a creative process involving our imagination, happening on a subconscious level, and you're killing that all with... whatever?
- Hm... All right...
- Actually, I think it's more left side of our brain that's responsible for dreaming...
- Huh?
- Doesn't matter...

- Would you rather be a crayon floating freely in space, or a piece of metal diving freely into the depth of the ocean?
- What!?! A crayon, or a piece? Have you taken something again?
- No, no! What do you mean, again? I have never ever taken something you wouldn't... So this is highly inappropriate to ask in the first place.
- Then what kind of question is this? Seriously, since you started this whole blog shenanigans, you're talking more and more nonsense.
- Well, thank you. I'll take that as a complement. Happy to hear my talking makes no sense. That's exactly what I wanted to achieve.
- What!?! Why!?!
- Because, for as long as I remember, I have been all about reasoning. All about making sense. All about rational approach to everything. I got bored with that. So, from now on I'm more into flow, impression, power of the moment, and beauty of nonsense.
- You're insane.AGNES
- You're boring. And normal. I win!
- I have never thought I would say that, but I don't recognize you; not any more.AGNES
- That's your problem, not mine. I can still see it's me whenever I look at the mirror.
- I'm deeply confused.AGNES
- Oh, I see. So you would rather be a piece of metal diving deep into the ocean. Fair enough. I'm more into the crayon and space. That can mean only one thing.
- Which is?AGNES
- We're no longer meant to be. I'm leaving you.
- What?!? Why???AGNES
- Because you're no longer interesting, and no longer interested in me. Because you have your own hobbies, problems, and interests, and I'm not included. Because you're more used to me than in love. Because I'm done pretending I'm in love.
- But I've got used to you... We're together for ages. How would I... How will you make it alone? This is insane! You're insane!
- I hope so!!

Friday, 26 February 2016

Taken by storm - again

ROB - Look at this, darling, it's shocking! All first page about the weather. Horrible, horrible...

EDWINA - What, the weather? You don't have to read about, just look outside. When I was getting that newspaper for you, the one you are reading now, about the weather, I was nearly blown away.

ROB - blown out rather

EDWINA - that too

ROB - But I wasn't talking about the weather! Although it is a fascinating subject... I was talking about the share prices; all went down yesterday. And yes, they compare it to the weather, but it's the share prices... Horrible, horrible...


ROB - It's everywhere, all across the globe!!! The markets battered...

EDWINA - but their analogy to weather makes no sense

ROB - Why?

EDWINA - Men... because it is not stormy and windy all over the world, clearly!?!

ROB - I guess...

EDWINA - Exactly! Thank you! There is no evil under the sun somewhere else. There is clear blue sky and sun warming your skin, making everything brighter and fresher...
And if it rains, it only rains at night, so then you wake up to another bright and fresh day...

ROB - You said no evil under the sun, why evil?

EDWINA - I read. A lot. Books, you know. And that is a quote, from a Agatha, an amazing crime stories author.
ROB - Never heard of... Or I did! I did, I just forgot...

EDWINA - You forgot. Hmm.

ROB - Wait until you're 80. You will know what I mean then.

EDWINA - I am already 80. Actually, I am 82.
ROB - Really? So it is not a temporary memory loss. I have Alzheimer's. Oh my God...

Thursday, 25 February 2016


45-year old, in a relationship with HE for the last 11.5 years

46-year old, in a relationship with SHE for the last 11.5 years

At the park
SHE - I have been thinking of what you said the other day... And I completely disagree.
HE - Which words do you refer to exactly? I believe I said quite a lot recently.
SHE - Naa, it's me. I'm the one who talks. Too much. Remember?
HE - True. Yet, I have no idea what you mean.
SHE - Typical.

In the bedroom
SHE - So, which colour suits me best, blue or red?
HE - You look beautiful in any of these.
SHE - For once, can't you decide? And not be afraid to share your opinion?! Seriously...
HE - OK, blue.
SHE - Blue? Really? Naa...
HE - Then why did you even ask?
SHE - Just for fun...

At the balcony
SHE - Look! It's full moon! How lovely
HE - Yes. It is beautiful.
SHE - You remember the first full moon we saw together? It was 12 years ago, in Tuscany, we were drinking Chianti in that little restaurant at 11pm, with all the people around...
HE - I touched your hand, and said your skin was so soft it was almost unreal...
SHE - Yes. Yes, that is exactly what you said. You remember!?
HE - I do. I do...

Wednesday, 24 February 2016


corka Krystyny

mama Klaudii

KLAUDIA - Mamo, choc, bedzie fajnie.
KRYSTYNA - Nie mam czasu, daj spokoj!
KLAUDIA - Mamo! Kiedy ostatnio bylysmy razem na zakupach, co? No, chodz...
KRYSTYNA - Przeciez Ty nigdy nie lubisz tego, co Ci kupuje. I zawsze co zrobie, jest zle.
KLAUDIA - Mamo, prosze Cie. Chodz!
KRYSTYNA - Bez sensu; poza tym ja nic nie potrzebuje. Mam wszystko, co trzeba, dziekuje.
KLAUDIA - Ale ja potrzebuje rady w sprawie butow...
KRYSTYNA - Jestes pewna, ze ode mnie? Przeciez Ty nigdy nie lubisz tego, co Ci kupuje. I zawsze co zrobie, jest zle.
KLAUDIA - Aha. Ale tu chodzi o mnie.
KRYSTYNA - No tak. O Ciebie. Ja sie juz nie licze... Moja samotna wedrowka przez zycie dobiega konca, czuje to, i niestety nie doczekam ani Twojego szczescia. Ani wnukow...
KLAUDIA - Mamo! Ja jestem szczesliwa. Bywam szczesliwa. Jest w porzadku. A poza tym... Poza tym, 'trza byc w butach na weselu'
KRYSTYNA - Slucham?!?


Krystyna's daughter

Klaudia's mom

KLAUDIA - Mom, come, it will be fun.

KRYSTYNA - I don't have time now, leave me alone!
KLAUDIA - Mom! When was the last time we were shopping, huh? Come on...

KRYSTYNA - But you never like what I am buying for you. Regardless of what I do, I do not do well.
KLAUDIA - Mom, please. Come!

KRYSTYNA - There's no reason for me to go; besides I need nothing. I have everything I need, thank you.
KLAUDIA - But I need advice on the shoes ...

KRYSTYNA - Are you sure that you want that from me? But you never like what I am buying for you. Regardless of what I do, I do not do well.
KLAUDIA - Aha. But this is about me.

KRYSTYNA - Yeah. About you. I am not even considered here any more ... My lonely journey through life comes to an end, I can feel it, and unfortunately I won't manage to see you happy. Not to mention any of my grandchildren ...
KLAUDIA - Mom! I am happy. Sometimes. It's fine. And besides ... Besides, 'you're supposed to wear shoes at a wedding'

KRYSTYNA - What did you just say?!?

Tuesday, 23 February 2016


MUM - 45-year old feminist
DAUGHTER 1 - 17-year old idealist
DAUGHTER 2 - 15-year old radical

Reading a novel, sitting in a comfortable chair next to the fireplace; it's a sunny warm afternoon in October in the south east London
- 'Scarlett O’Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were.'

- Oh, no! Not that thing again!

- Mum, do we have to listen to this again?

- Why not? It's a great novel. I like it. Many things happen, you can see that happy moments theory of mine across the pages.

- But she is so shallow! And silly! Like if all life was about were men! While it is clearly all about love!

- Hm...

- You agree with her? You? Mum?! You're always so independent, so strong. You really think it's all about men??? Seriously!

- No, I just get her point of view. She was not aware of other options, she thought this was the best could happen to a girl. Well-wed - perfect life, perfect solution.

- I would have written the whole thing totally different though.

- Really? Why don't you enlighten us then.

- Well, I would start with her marrying Rett, followed by their trip to Europe, which would result in her giving birth to a sweet daughter 1 year later, and an equally lovely son after another 2 years. In the meantime...


Monday, 22 February 2016


semi-talented creative writer, obsessed with describing deers and their everyday life, hence his nickname
drawing artist, not talented at all, hence his nickname

Hi Drawer, what's up?
Hey, CD, never been better. I'm into sculpturing recently, using leaves and brunches as main materials. Didn't figure out the issue with lifespan of my artwork yet, but I will get there...
Yeah, yeah, well, nature - what can you do, it's rarely flawless, usually flowing
Oh, doesn't matter. How's your lovely wife?
Have you got any other?
No, it's just that... I mean...
What's wrong? You may tell me. I might help.
She doesn't want to be with me.
She's leaving you? Seriously?
Unfortunately, she is. Since I decided to leave that boring corporate world, and go on an independent artistic route, she became bitter, mean, and heartless. She said she's not interested in me any more.
That's harsh. Sorry to hear. Then again, maybe it's for the better for you. Not so lovely after all. She's never been pretty actually. Could never be a model for you.
Hmmm... True. Never thought of that.
You see? Besides, you're 38. Perfect age to find yourself a pretty one. A younger one. A model one. That should help your career, and your life.
You should be a career advisor, not a writer!
You think? Hmmm...

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Black Hole - my version

'My Saturday was going pretty well until I realised it was Sunday.'

Just read this, and realised it never really happened to me.

Yes, I sometimes had this moments when waking up, still half asleep, in dreams, when I wasn't sure which day of the week is this. But it was just a second, or two. Quick look at the clock, and I was up.

With strong sense of duty, didn't let the days slip through. Always had to do something. Only when the kids era came, it became different; still full of things to do but also slightly chaotic.
I got into implementing organised but quite flexible approach. It suited the moment.

And now, I'm in this suspension; there are still lots of things to do, but they don't seem to matter as much as they used to. All of the sudden, it's more about me (hehe!:), and what I fell about it, and how I want to spent the rest of my days.

Yeah, it might be my mid-life crisis, the post mid-life, let's face it :)...

But I believe there's more. It's like a combination of awakening and deep thoughts around why. What for. and it's not about whether it is worth it, these thoughts are gone. Life is full of sense, and life is something we are given for a purpose. What is that purpose, that's the key.

So, letting the time go is ok from time to time. But it better not be the essence of one's life. Cause you can do more, and get more happy moments from that.

It is all about being selfish then, in the end...

Saturday, 20 February 2016

The most powerful

1. Barack Obama, President of USA, age 51
2. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, age 58
3. Vladimir Outin, President of Russia, age 60
4. Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, age 57
5. Pope Benedict XVI, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, age 85
6. Ben Bernanke, Chair of the US Federal Reserve, age 59
7. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud, Kind of Saudi Arabia, age 88
8. Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank, age 65
9. XI Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, age 59
10. David Cameron, Prime Minister of the U.K., age 46
11. Carlos Slim Helu, Chairman of the Carlos Slim Foundation, age 72
12. Sonia Gandhi, President of the Indian National Congress, age 66
13. Li Keqiang, Vice-Premier of the People's Reoublic of China, age 57
14. Francois Holland, President of France, age 58
15. Warren Buffett, CEO of the Berkshire Hathaway, age 82
16. Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of the New York City, age 70
17. Michael T. Duke, CEO of Walmart, age 63
18. Dilma Rousseff, President of Brasil, age 65
19. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, age 80
20. Sergey Brin & Larry Page, Co-founders of Google, age 39

Set - at the space

All 20 actors floating around the Earth in space, in their space suits, linked to the spaceship which landed on the Moon. Everyone is angry, irritated, and look unhappy.

how could they do this to me, who let this happen in the first place, I don't understand what I'm doing here

this is completely not in line with our recent approach to openness and liaison with the European Union. Me hanging here helplessly together with other most influential people in the world, that's just highly inappropriate, and equally unbelievable

(Talking unisono)
We actually googled it. We put 'why are we here?', and the result was the answer. It's the play's author 20th high-school final exams anniversary. Exactly 20 years ago, in 1996, she passed all her exams, and decided to go to university. Should she went for world exploration option, she would most probably be one of us here, hanging around, in celebration of another play's author's 20th anniversary

Wot, dziewoczka, molodiec

What did he say???

He's admiring her.

(All look at her in astonishment)

What? I've been learning Russian all my life. Always wanted to be part of Russian folk band, but never made it - different beliefs, different skin Colour, different attitude to life...

Pity - unfulfilled dreams are usually dealt with in my company pretty good. This time, even I'm helpless.

Don't loose hope, Michael, it's not good for you

I said helpless, not hopeless. HELPLESS!!!

I see. Yes, the situation is quite difficult. We can always pray, but that is lame here, it won't let us out and back to Earth.

(All look at her in astonishment)

What? I've been learning youth slang for the past few years. All to make youngsters come back. To us. Exactly where they, and their money, should belong.

I've never in a million years expected me to say this, but being in space is funny as hell.

Couldn't agree more, Michael... Couldn't agree more...



No one really knows how old he is; there are some theories, never proved completely though, some say he's always reborn with every single human being, others believe he's the one just modified slightly for any newborn
He's smart. He's string. He knows he needs to survive.

Minister in the ministry of biology; recently involved in the project around genetically modified products. He has a secret weapon no one knows about. Until they call his name first, and then his title...

He's really old, as old as the Roman mythology. No one knows how he made it until now, and thanks to his incredible abilities to disguise, no one is aware of that and no one cares, really.
Works as a secretary for the Can.

Scene 1, the Secretary of the Miknistry of Biology, Jupiter sitting at his desk, phone in front of him. He's looking at the map of Italy, smiles to himself.

The phone rings. Jupiter picks it up. As usual, he never introduces himself, waiting for the caller to start.

- Hello, this is DNA.
- The Who?
- NA. I'm calling to discuss the next GM project the Ministry of Biology decided to pass through the Parliament. It's important to get my point of view before passing it anywhere. I'm the source of very crucial data.
- Ok. Thanks. I guess it's sir Can you need to speak to. He's in charge of this project. Let me see whether he is available at the moment. Hold on. I mean, hold the line.
- Great, yes, thank you.

Scene 2, Can's office. Huge metal rotten desk, metal chair with unusually twisted legs, reminding human bones but very awkwardly shaped.
Phone rings, Can picks it up, and waits for the caller to speak:
- Can?
- Yep, it's me. What's up, Jup?
- How many times do I need to remind you my name's Jupiter.
- And I'm sir, you never seem to remember that either.
- ok, Can, sir. There's someone who wishes to speak to you. DNA.
- The who?
- NA. He seem to know a lot about genetics. It's about your recent project, you know.
- ok, let him in.

Scene 3, DNA room. Everything is in ideal order, and there is barely any furniture. Red sofa, drop shaped in really bloody red Colour. DNA is sitting on the sofa, with his smartfon at his ear. He's relaxed but stressed at the same time, very unusual combination. 
- hello, sir Can, I'm so happy to finally have a chance to meet you. We never had a chance to talk before but...
- It's Can, sir, actually, the NA.
- cancer? Really? Hmmmm....
- yes, Can sir. Nothing unusual.
- yes, sure, sure.
- you wanted to add some important information about my recent genetics initiative?
- yes... I mean, no, actually, I'm terribly sorry, I didn't. Sorry for taking your time. Got to go, bye.

Scene 4, Can's office again. Can stares at the phone, looks puzzled.
Talks to himself:
- what an unusual man. The NA. The NA... Hmm...
Suddenly he stands up, runs to the door, end it and shouts:
- guards! Stop him - that DNA guy. It's our only chance to make the GM project successful!

Friday, 19 February 2016

First date

Golden delicious, of regular shape, slightly greener on one side

Dark bar (75% cocoa), with a picture of a castle on the packaging


At the restaurant, few tables in a French bistro kind of place, almost identical to the 'Allo, Allo' setting. People sitting at the tables, talking. At the centre - one table two chairs candle on the table. Chairs occupied by Apple and Chocolate.
Apple (A)
I'm so happy you invited me here! Looks like my kind of place. There are lots of apples there on display, I feel so much at joke here.
Chocolate (C)
Yes, although I find it awkward there's barely any chocolate. We're so delicious... You'll see for yourself.
A: but we're healthier
C: who cares? We only live once
A: (looking confused) but... But... It's better to live healthier and longer then ...
C: yeah, with no inspiring tastes to try, really
A: you find me uninspiring?!?
C: all I'm saying is I'm a definition of pleasure and indulgence. You're a definition of a non-pharmaceutical approach to life, and a way to stay away from doctors.
A: that's so unfair if you to say! We speed things up! You are the one who slow things down.
C: slow is good
A: not when your health is at stake
C: quick doesn't always mean right though
A: time is everything
C: no, it's not. Quality is everything.
A: you find I'm not of the best quality? You don't know me at all, how can you even think that!
C: that's not what I said...
A: ha! And now you're denying your own words. Seriously. Why don't we just order some food instead. And refrain from talking dot a while.
C: great, cool, let's do that

They look around. Waiter comes over.

Waiter (W)
Should you like to order?
A: yes, please. Can I have a glass of red wine, and... What desserts do you recommend?
C: are we not eating main course?
A: no. Speeding things up, remember? That's me.
W: we're most famous of our delicious apple tart and...
A: what!?! (Stands up, looks at the C) What?!? I'm leaving! (Walks away, stops at the front door, turns around, and yells) Murderers!!!


Never sit on a ...

Mayfly 1
We only live 1 day. Darling, remember to enjoy every second to the full.

Mayfly 2
Don't let others fool you. Be inquisitive and bright

Mayfly 3
Have courage to discover new things

Mayfly 4
Be beautiful inside out

Mayfly 5
Never sit on a Fae...

Apple a day

These past few days have been all about apples. Tasty, sweet, juicy, delicious fruits - perfection.
For as long as I remember, I liked apples. Eaten straight from a tree, just cleaned with a cotton cloth, or - better still - just wiped against a T-shirt... Sun-kissed, still warm, and soft - the greatest childhood memories one could have.
The best cake I have ever tasted was the apple pie my grandma used to make. The smell of baked fruits, clear and strong, meant everything: hugs, cosy evenings with family, playing cards, talking, laughing - my definition of safe and comfortable.
Funny how that has influenced my life choices.
Kitchens with apples meant people living there were my kind of people, the ones I could feel safe and comfortable with.
We like people who like what we like. Simple.

Sometimes, apples turn out to be the only link, though. And that is not enough.

Still, if I see apples in someone's kitchen, that makes me smile. And the smell of apples is my definition of a safe and comfortable place. Like home.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Music will save you

45-year old ex-basketball player, now training junior league and in love with classical music
39-year old accountant, not in love with her job but very good at numbers
55-year old musician, in love with Beethoven
The public
300 people attending the concert at the Royal Akbert Hall
14th February 2016
The Royal Albert Hall

Main scene, 15 minutes before the Annual Great Valentine's Day concert is supposed to start. The main scene is empty.

The public
Gathering taking their seats talking to each other chatting with the acquaintances, greeting friends

This is so exciting! What's in the menu?
You mean what is played tonight? Appassionata 3rd Movement as a starter, Pathetique 2nd movement as a main course, and finally Waldstein Sonata 21 as a dessert. Should be calm, but great. All Beethoven. Perfect for today!
But it's weird.
What do you mean? What's weird?
Look at the main scene. There's no piano. All pieces are supposed to be played on the piano. There's no instrument...
Hmm. Maybe it's a new twist to the usual take on Beethoven. I guess we'll see.
Yes, I guess you're right. Still, it's weird...

Backstage, the pianist is waking around in circles, hands high in the air, not saying a word, just walking really fast.

Main stage again

Rachel look! The piano is up there!
Where is... (Looking up) what the? Are they serious?!?
The public
(Looking up as well, pointing fingers at the piano hanging 50 ,eyes above the main scene, tightened in ropes)
There's a poster hanging from it on one side
What is it? Where? I can't see it!
It's on my side, look here! (He points to the large piece of cotton, all white, with big red letters saying: 'freedom for the black and white')
This is outrageous! And so politically incorrect!
I know... Especially when you know the pianist for today is a well known Afro-American from Ghana, who used to be highly involved in freedom movements until few years ago, when his only daughter was found stabbed several times on the streets of London, and a piece of paper saying: freedom for white, colonies for black...
Seriously!?!  We'd better be going then! But let's find the pianist first. He must be devastated!
Rachel. I'm speechless, you're so... So...
I know. So are you. Let's go and find him!


Tuesday, 16 February 2016


48-year old woman, who likes singing and dancing, fan of Sting

17-year old boy

At home; kitchen - bright sunny morning. There's cereals and milk laid on the table. Mum is sitting at the table with a cup of coffee, reading a book. It's 'A year of Marvellous Ways'. Son comes over, sits with her mum, looks at the table, stands up, goes to the kitchen drawer and takes out 2 bowls, 2 table spoons, and puts them on the table, one for his mom, one for himself.
MUM - Thank you, dear. It's a great book, you know? Really interesting...
SON nods, says nothing, puts cereals in both bowls, pours milk on top.
SON - Eat, mum. You should eat.
MOM - Yes, you're right. Thank you.
They start eating. Mum glances at her book from time to time. Then she looks up, and notices her son staring at the window, with a smile.
MUM - What's up?
SON - I can't tell this to anyone but I actually went to the Sting concert last night...
MUM - Really? That's awesome! Why can't you talk about it???
SON - It's a secret...
MUM - Then why did you even start this conversation, seriously... Don't want to tell, then don't.
SON - Don't be so angry. And it was you who started... I really shouldn't be saying this... Unless you promise you won't tell anyone.
MUM - Like if you didn't know me...
SON - Ok.
MUM - Ok?
SON - Sit down, it won't be quick. So I met this girl.
MUM - What? When? Why didn't you tell me?
SON - Mum! Will you let me finish, for once!
MUM - Ok, ok, I'm listening. Who is she?
SON - She's... She's... She's just a girl. She is awesome. She has such a beautiful smile.
MUM - Aha, ok, cool.
SON - She's so much cool, mum, and so nice.
MUM - Ok, maybe I'll meet her one day. And check it out myself. No pressure.
SON - Well, yeah... Maybe...
MUM - Don't get so stressed about it... Where's Sting in this all story?
SON - Yeah, right. Sting is her uncle.
MUM - What? Really?
SON - Really.
MUM - Did you meet him then?
SON - I did, after the concert.
MUM - What is he like?
SON - I think you'll get a chance to check it out yourself. One day. Like, today.
MUM - What do you mean??? Are you mocking me? You know he is just the best of the best singers in the whole wide world, I know nearly all of his songs, I could listen to them all day, I actually do listen to them nearly every day... What do you mean???
SON - Mum, calm down. It's all right. He's coming over with her, 'cause I invited them last night. It was supposed to be a surprise but I was afraid your heart won't make it. So I'm telling you now.
MUM - Ok. Just promise me one thing.
SON - Yes?
MUM - That girl. If only she's half decent. And nice. And so cool... Stick to her, will you?
SON - Mum!

Monday, 15 February 2016

Play it by the rules, or as much as you can :)

loves B

loves C

loves E

D loves himself

loves A

loves playing scrabble

Scene 1
At the zoo
I would so much enjoy a Valentine evening with some good red wine.
I have a lot of Merlot in my private cellar, would you be interested in visiting it tonight, A?
Seriously, E. Stop. I'm talking a Valentine evening. With someone I'm deeply in love. Someone I feel connected to. Someone who loves letter B as much as I do.
Before you start going into details, please make sure you're not imagining things too much. Best advice I was ever given on love and relationships was this: be patient and don't rush things. Be patient then, and don't speed things up, to avoid disappointment. Be happy with who you are and what you have first, to feel better when love comes. Be sure it will come one day.
B, you really are 70 years old! Yet, I find your words sincere, and I'm deeply connected with what you're saying. This is just what you need to hear on a day like this, Valentine's Day. You need to be happy with yourself, to be happy in any relationship
Are we going to have another psychological session now? Aren't we suppose to do push-ups? F will come, together with D, and they will be highly disappointed with us not following the fitness schedule for today. That game on 25th is so important to all of us.
Better start push-ups then. Best thing I heard from you today, A!
Thanks (blushing)

Scene 2
At the party
B, would you like some red wine?
Before I reply, cani say something?
(Holding her breath) yes, sure!
Beautiful! Beautiful is your dress that you're wearing today!
Thank you!
But I wish you had more curvy figure, it would suit you better then
What!?! What did you say!?! How dare you judge me like that!!! My curves are perfect, you old stupid imitation of a man!
(Frowns, walks away, in rage)
Bye, A!

Scene 3
(A, B, C, F, all stand around the dead pigeon at the zoo path. No one says a word, they just stare at the dead bird, and that at each other. Someone is playing violin faraway, but all can hear glimpse of music - it's spring by Vivaldi, the first part. All look at the bird in horror. B suddenly stamps his feet and clasps his hands, in the rhythm of the played Spring tunes. All join in, clasping and thumping, but still look in horror at the dead bird. Dead bird lays silently on the path in the middle of the circle of people. There is a wooden stick in his body, with a flag attached, with words: 'LET THERE BE LOVE, PEACE, AND UNDERSTANDING')

Scene 4
C, did you hear? F won the worldwide scrabble competition last night in Vegas! He won 500 000$ cash, and a new Lamborgini. I've always found him very attractive, you know. Just never had enough courage to say that to him.
Really? Yes, I understand. Pity you haven't said that to him earlier. Yesterday, he proposed to me, and I accepted. We're getting married next month, and then off to honeymoon. York will be out place of stay afterwards as we're to open a winery, and a sommelier school later this year. It will be fun! You're already invited to the grand opens of the school!
How nice! Congrats!
A, would you like to see my new additions to the wine collections I made few days ago? Really interesting...
Yeah, whatever...

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Love is not all around it's in you

- this is just how the story goes: I'm in love...
- again?
- yep, it's on.
- who is it this time?
- you don't know him
- so tell me
- he's into wrestling
- really? You don't see the danger here then?
- nope; I'm happy and that's all that counts
- fair enough. Fair enough

- how's your happy place? Still there?
- I am. You see, he's so... So... Nice.
- aha. You're done
- I am...

- you know that guy I met and fell into recently?
- the ideal wrestler?
- yeah, him. He's a jerk.
- is he? What's this time?
- he forgot it's our anniversary last night. Completely ignored that.
- wait a minute, you don't know him that long, you couldn't be celebrating a tear spent together...
- not a year, silly. A week! A whole week together! And he forgot!
- oblivious, clearly
- yeah! I'm devastated!

- so, are you going to come to my wedding?
- sure, who with? When? Why? I mean, congrats!
- thanks, it's in 2 weeks, the wrestler - not such a jerk in the end. So I got a ring and flowers, and everything... I'm in love...
- oh, no...

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Love at first runway

23-year old kindergarten teacher

26-year old anesthesiologist

JESSICA: This is incredible! I was there, on my seat, with belts securely fastened as advised by a lovely flight attendant in a blue suit and bright yellow coat, when he came.


JESSICA: The man. You know the one who played in that love making on rodeos movie, and talked about Mars when accepting several awards for that.

ALICE: Matthew MacClonouannanouan?

JESSICA: Yeah! Him! Although I always thought his name is a bit shorter...

ALICE: He was in the same plane as you?!

JESSICA: Yes, and there's more.

ALICE: Meaning?

JESSICA: He sat next to me!

ALICE: Hi did not!

JESSICA: Oh, yes, he did. And I just jumped on my seat and said something about dying, I was so excited. To which he replied that if I knew something is wrong with the plane, I should not tell him a word about it, cause he wouldn't mind spending last minutes of his life next to me.

ALICE: No! He couldn't have said that!

JESSICA: Ok, maybe not exactly that. But close. What he actually said was, he would appreciate telling him something is wrong with the plane, as he was on his way to a meeting with his fiancée FR their romantic Valentine evening...

ALICE: Life...

Friday, 12 February 2016


33-year old female, good friend of Ryan

46-year old male, good friend of Meg


- Men!

- What again?! Did I said something wrong, again?

- I didn't mean men as males. Sometimes you are just so narrow-minded.

- Just like you are opinionated. Sometimes.

- Which is something you seem to like in me. Always.

- Fair point. If not males, then who?

- Humankind. People. The ones living on planet Earth.

- What did they do to you?

- Remember, how I waited for that Sting tour across Canada and US, or US and Canada actually? How I wanted to buy the tickets?

- Yes...

- Well, the sale started this morning, at 10am. I was there since 9:30, with my coffee (skipped my you morning routine and exercises just to make sure I am there), sitting in front of my PC, when all of the sudden the Internet went down.

- OK, that happens, did you turn it off and on again?
- What kind of a question is that. Of course I did. I have been watching IT stuff!

- And?

- It didn't work. And then, there was a knock at the door. So I opened, and...

- You shouldn't open. You should be peering first, to check who is there. Dangerous times require extra cautiousness, and...
- I know, I know, but I was angry with the Internet already. So I opened, and there was the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my life. Not only her face was beautiful, but her body, her posture, even the air around her - everything was perfect.
- Hmmm...

- That's exactly what I thought. That, and I honestly started to consider going bi...

- What?!??
- You would too! Oh, no, hang on, you're a man already.

- Well, thanks for noticing. Finally! After all these years!

- You mean, I should have noticed earlier? But we are just friends, we have always been just friends...

- Well, that doesn't mean...
- Aha. OK, we'll go back to that in a second. I need to tell you about that woman.

- OK

- She happened to be a bicycle repair man. And was looking for a spare tire.

- A bicycle repair man? Are you sure you are not telling me one of those Monty Python-inspired dreams of yours again?

- No! No. I guess not. Although that would explain her sudden disappearance when I came back to the door with a tire I happened to have...

- Meg. Seriously. Stop taking those drugs. They are clearly not helping.

- You think so? But I have all of these ideas now. Ones I have never ever had before.

- I have a better idea now. Come here.

- What idea? Tell me.

- I won't tell you. I will show you...

- Hmmm.

Thursday, 11 February 2016


The trigger of the whole action; 55-year old male; an uncle to us all although no-one really knows the actual genealogy behind; he was uncle since he was here which seems like eternity

The MC; 23-year old paleontologist, currently unemployed, spending time watching reality TV shows, and earning money as a DJ in local clubs in the weekends; romantic at heart but no-one knows that as it's a secret well-kept

The mistress of bias and prejudice; 36-year old accountant in one of the banks, working in the City; single and very independent; desperately looking for love, but no-one knows, this is her secret

The honest one; 45-year old accountant; desperately in love with Susan, who is obviously oblivious to that fact; hiding his emotions as best as he can (and he's really good at it!)

78-year old lady, the oldest one, not necessarily the wisest one in the family; pretending she is always tired, but when no-one is looking - hiking mountains vigorously; this is her secret...


Let's go! Let's move on, people! No time to waste! Make haste, make haste!

(in hushed voice)
Who is he, some kind of MC?!

Shhh, he's trying, stop being so judgmental. Besides, no-one else volunteered to do this.

Probably because there was no vacancy in place in the first place...

Would you stop! He's genuinely emotionally attached to us, and really doing his best, and you're just, you're just... so narrow-minded sometimes, it's actually scary!

Shhh, he's trying, stop shouting.

Excuse me?!

Let's move on, people, let's move on, let's just go! Uncle Jerome has been drinking heavily for the past 2 hours. We have no time to spare. Any minute now, he will start his long twisted storytelling thing.
We all now how boring it can be.
And we all know how we would all love to have not one, not even two, but several umbrellas with us whenever he starts talking, spitting not only words out...

He's actually getting better at this!


You see the hills? We're not so far away, aunt Yasmina, hold my hand, it won't be long before we're all safe. There! Let's go!

(briefs heavily, checking whether all notice how tired she is; not saying a word)

(They all slowly go up.)

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Beauty within

- Put your hood on! It's raining, and it's so cold!
- I can't do that! It will mess my hairstyle!
- ...

While I still think letting go is the most important part of motherhood, looks like ability to think and remember things is next.
Sometimes, it is all about not bursting out laughing. Very important, and I actually mean it. Sharing respectful attitude with your little ones requires respectful attitude to them.
Struggling there, but getting there.

I was wondering today whether I was so determined and self-conscious (but in a positive way, not in a 'cocky' way:), when I was 7. Not sure, but afraid / happy to say (depending how you look at it...) I believe I was. I actually felt good with myself.

Again, struggling there now, but getting there. To that land of positive thinking, positive attitude to me, distance to images, and acceptance of flaws. It's much better than it used to be, which is comforting.

And looks like I'm ok with passing that positive thinking to the next generation. I'm on the right track.
So, need to keep going:_)

Taken by storm

Darling, have you seen this!? This is shocking!

You mean, the weather? You don't have to read about it to notice - just look outside. It was really windy this morning when I was getting that newspaper of yours for you. I was almost blown away.

You mean, blown out.

That too.

What I meant was, all the share prices plummeted yesterday! They even compare it to the weather!


Everywhere! It happened all over the world. All the markets were battered, they say.

Then clearly their analogy to weather doesn't make sense.


What do you mean, why? Because it is not stormy and windy all over the world, or is it?!

I guess not ...

Somewhere there, there is no evil under the sun. There is clear blue sky, warm sunshine embracing your skin, and rain only at nights to make the air even fresher, and clearer for the next morning.

What evil has got to do with it?

It was a quote. Ever heard of Agatha Christie? 

Ah, I see. Yes, I get it now. Temporary memory loss. It happens, wait until you're in your 80s, you'll notice that, too.

I'm already in my 80s. For two years now. Haven't notice anything. 

It might be Alzheimer's then. You don't know it but it's there...

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Fat not ugly

Laundry room, full of moist and hot water; endless lines of fresh washing cut the place in to semi-real, multi-dimensional, foggy space.

7-year old boy, son on Frank
26-year old father of Charlie
23-year old mother of Charlie
19-year old girl, who married Frank 2 years ago
Mother of Margarine

"Let go of Charlie! The truth is, I've despised you since I discovered the truth about you, Frank and the Margarine!"

What do you mean? I haven't done anything.

Oh, don't pretend you're so innocent! You arranged that whole marriage between Frank and Margarine. How could you? You knew I loved him, you knew I would always be with him, if only...

If only you were let doing whatever you wanted. Like let this Elvis play for you every day. He's disgusting!

He's not!

He's fat!

He's not! He's I'll, he has bulimia.

How could you know?

Because he told me! And because I saw him... He's not really Elvis, you see. He just pretends he's him. Apparently, there was a famous singer once, with that name. And many people aspire to act like him, and dress like him.  It no one could sing like him, until this Elvis...
Anyway, he is fighting his illness, and failing.

What do you mean?

I saw him. At the ball, last year. The one with Frozen theme.
"It was carnage. An obese Elvis impersonator throwing up on 78 girls in Frozen costumes throwing up on an obese clown!"

Monday, 8 February 2016

Methodology of thinking the 7-year old way

- I love you, mum - she said, holding my hand, minutes before drifting off to sleep.
- I love you too - I replied - very much.
(Ok, so this is it. This is that moment I should always, always recall whenever I'm stupidly stressed over shoes not being put quickly enough in the morning, or missing socks, or something equally unimportant. This is it. Just like the moment before your first kiss - you should remember these things, they make your life special.)
- People often forget that they love each other - she added.
I was still in that 'remember that moment' zone. Then her words reached me. And I just held my breath, and didn't say a word, just listened (I know, that is hardly ever the case, yet ...).
- And it is the most important message. And when people forget it, it goes to that message room. A lot of people work there, because they need to push these messages back when you forget - she explained. And then said - Isn't it?
- Hm - I said - are you talking about brain?
- Not exactly, it's next to it. That place where all the forgotten messages go. The message room.
- You mean, memory?
- Yes, that one... - she yawned, and felt asleep.

Sometimes it's not about correcting. Explaining that no, there is no such 'thing' as people living inside people, unless you're expecting, but that's not what we're discussing here; that there is no other place than brain to keep memories; it's all neurons and hormones, and ...
Who cares? She'll get it, sooner or later. Or maybe, she'll proof we're all wrong. And there is a special message room, next to our brain, where all the most important messages go, once forgotten. So then others can push them back and let you say 'I love you'.

Why Would You Not

Professor Izabel Whywouldyounot
45-year old psychologist, teaching 1 year students introduction to psychology at the University of Greenwich, London

Student A
25-year old female student, on her third course of studies (after 2 years of mathematical economy, followed by 2-year break when traveling across Asia, then 2-year episode with paleontology, finally here)
Bored to death with psychology, but strongly believing in 'three is a charm' quote therefore willing to finish with MA in psychology.

Student D
19-year old male student, very very very ambitious and equally unattractive, with glasses and wrongly buttoned shirts in neon stripes.
Always asking thought-through questions, which trigger not only long answers from lecturers, but also increasing hatery from all the other students, even those more ambitious.

All the students
All the students

At the university, lecture on psychology, year 1
It's 17:45, 5 minutes before the lecture's over
big wall clock ticking loudly
many students in the room, trying not to sleep, pretending they're interested in what professor is saying

Student D
(stands up)

Professor Izabel Whywouldyounot
Is something wrong?

Student D
No, apologies, professor, I just wanted to ask a question. May I?

Professor Izabel Whywouldyounot
Yes, of course, you always have these interesting questions, please go ahead.

All the students

Student D
Why do people use pictures? Are letters not enough now? Is this some kind of return to the prehistoric graffiti on the walls? Or is this just a sign of us all getting more stupid, more lazy, and less diligent - clearly not willing to learn other languages, just talking symbols?

All the students

Professor Izabel Whywouldyounot

Student D
Thank you, professor...
(wants to say more but...)

Professor Izabel Whywouldyounot
(raises her right hand)
I haven't finish.

Student D
(says something more, but it goes into muttering, barely heard)

Professor Izabel Whywouldyounot
It's interesting to notice that it took you exactly 2 months to stop thinking.

(There's a sudden silence in the whole room; the ticking clock being the only sound)

Student D
Ex... Excuse me?

Professor Izabel Whywouldyounot
Oh, I don't mind, really. No need to apologise. You've just joined them all.
(waves her left hand towards all the students)
Congratulations, I guess.

Student D
But that is not true! I am not like them!

Professor Izabel Whywouldyounot
(turning away from student D, looking at all the students)

All the students
(Looking at professor, like if she was from another planet, some with their jaws open, others with deep shock on their faces. No one says even a single word)

Professor Izabel Whywouldyounot
I see... You need explanation.
Our brains are lazy by nature. Shortcuts are natural way to save space, to let your brain has as much inactivity as possible. That is, obviously, not completely true; brains work all the time, there is no break. They just follow that path to effortless life.
(sighs again)
It is easier for the brain to get a picture than a written, or a spoken word.
(takes a pen and draws on a whiteboard)
This is, for example, what all the students had in mind when student D started to ask his question
(draws a big axe, with blood dropping down, forming a nice and round puddle)

All the students
(start clapping and laughing)

Professor Izabel Whywouldyounot
(turning to Student D, who is blushing, but not saying anything)
Do you get it now? Do you see how quickly they reacted? If I started to describe their feelings with words, how much longer it would take them to understand the meaning? How many of them wouldn't get it at all then?
(puts the pen back)
(looks at the clock)
It's 18:00 already. Go on, enjoy your evening.

All the students
(clapping much louder now, it's a standing ovation actually)

Student A
(shouting from rear row)
Thank you, professor, that was an amazing lesson to us all!!!

Professor Izabel Whywouldyounot
Oh, for sake! He's got himself a clone!


Sunday, 7 February 2016

SOAP to spider it up

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a system of rules that helps web services work. It is neutral, independent, and has ability to extend. Just like a strong woman.

33-year old Junior IT Help desk team member, with unfulfilled dream of a worldwide rock star career
24-year old IT Help desk team Manager, with unfulfilled dream of a worldwide opera singer
27-year old Senior Help desk team member, with no dreams. Well, maybe one: sleeping with Angie

Yes, they all sing rather than talk. No, none of them can do that. Yes, they don't care about it. At all.

[In the dark corridors of IT Help Desk team in HQ of one of the major British banks]

All of my life
Wanted to be

A guy with a knife
Careless and free

But ended up here
Talking to her
Drinking my beer
Clumsy as bear

Here comes the sun
Having so much fun
Being sooo optimistic
And so full of me

You did this again
Off rhythm off key


Like careless barman
Just eating his brie

Time for the SOAP
Let's get it all done
They want us to cope
No time now for fun

Hey, Angie, Aaaangie
I would like that fun - if not now how about laaaateeeer

You did this again
Off rhythm off key

Like careless barman
Just eating his pea

It's serious now
The website must work
Or they raise their brow
And I'll be a clerk

Nooo waaay let's move on let's do it let's do it then
I've got an idea
On how to speeeeeed it all up!!!

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Typos are girls new best friends

Krk Island, Greece

31-year old female, an object of desire and centre of attention of all male population of the Krk island
65-year old male, father of ELENA, of Russian origin and of Italian nature, proud of his life and of his daughter, a devoted hotelier, running a DMIT HOT hotel on Krk Island, very popular and recommended by many
57-year old fmale mother of ELENA, leaving with DMITRIJ, very strict and very conservative, with well-hidden passion for art and paintings made by LUK, and passion for LUK himself
32-year old male painter, boyfriend of ELENA by day, lover of CALI by night, both clever and handsome

 Dark Hotel Corridor, 4 AM

CALIAre you there?
Yes, darling, coming. Are you ok? Ready for me?
Oh, stop that romantic nonsence and hurry up here before anyone spots you
Yes, darling

Luk, is that... is that you?
Fuck! Yes, darling, it is me!
Why are you swearing> And what are you doing here in the middle of the night?
Im just ... I was just ... I wanted to talk to you.
At 4 am? Is everything ok?
Yes. No. I hurt my finger. But I wanted to see you. Elena, you are so beautiful.
Luk! Are you coming, or what?!!!

What is going on here? WHy are you all here? WHat's up? Have you not been able to sleep, jus like me? I think it is the moon. Have you seem it too? Beautiful full moon tonight. I wish I was there.
I once had a chance to become a cosmonaut, it never really happened because of my height freight but I could have been the one out there. Stepping on the Moon.
Darling, it was just a dream. They never called you, remember? They made a mistake when noting down your address, and they sent the application results to DMITRJ, the one from KRKRKR Island instead. He was kind enough to die 2 weeks after that letter, very appropriate timing, indeed.
Ah, yes, Dmitrj, my old friend, let him rest in peace.
COme to bed, darling. Its ok. You never knew him, its ok.
Elena, sleep well, my child, and Luk, go back to your room before I stop pretending I saw you.
Yes, darling. I mean, sir.


Friday, 5 February 2016

Stop for a minute

This morning, we got up a little bit late.
Morning routine slightly rushed as a result, yet all the tasks done in the usual order (actually, when in a hurry, that repeated scheme really helps:). I simply begin to master brushing hair with fingers, and inventing sophisticated hair styles, which takes seconds but look like were done meticulously, at the comfort of our own home, for at least 20 minutes. At least. End result - a stunning look. Clearly.

Rushing through the streets, owning the paths and streets (to the point that a lady on a bike told us to mind the road when passing us by; I deliberately ignored her, what a shameful and unthoughtful of me, I know; didn't care and probably would do the same again. Shocking...), we reached the school just in time for the bell.

With no specific need other than just letting go of the overloads of energy I surprisingly had, I was in the very same 'rushing through streets' mode on our way back, my MiniMan and me. And then I felt it.
And stopped.

There they were. Three cherry trees, in full blossom, hidden between a wall and a parking pay point. Hardly seen. Not ignored as the fragrance was so sweet, so beautiful, and so fresh, that I stopped.

And all of the sudden, like in some kind of a dream, all stopped. There was just this essence of freshness and life, and me. Happy to simply be there, and to experience it all.

After a while, all the world around me was back. Cars on the streets, people passing by, me on the run back again.
Smiling this time.

It's nice to be able to feel such things. And be happy to simply be.

All about maths


Hey, Gina!

How are you?

I am fine, you?

Awful. He left me again.

You should be the one leaving.

I know, you told me, silly me.

You ignored my words, though. Want to talk?

Sure, a walk to Camden maybe? We can eat.

Eating not an option. On a water-only diet now.

Really? Again? Want to have another heart attack? Does Mark know?

Does he care, should ask... Exhausted with this relationship, eight years now...

We should both let go, and get on our own. Would be good.

Not a bad idea. Shall we discuss it over coffee maybe, and then walk?

Sure. Wanna come over for a coffee? Got some leftover cookies from yesterday, still edible.

Good idea, I will bring water though, and pretend it is caffeine... This diet truly rocks.

Maybe I should switch to water, too - apparently it is good for you. I will join you.



What you mean, OK? Where are your 18 words? You loose - again! It is your turn to clean the flat this week. Ha!

Now, come over to my room for that coffee.
The kettle is already on...

I am the winner, I am the winner

(from another room)
Oh, shout up!

Hi Five

[I went the easy way this time, and slightly changed my thoughts from 5am challenge post I once wrote.
Technically, it was a sound inspiration:_)
Plus, it is still relevant, still true, and sweet dreams are still the case:)]

27-year old, looks quite exhausted, sitting in spacious (clearly, the action doesn't take place in London:) 8:57 train, on her way to work
She talks to herself.
(Many people do. Not so many do that aloud.)

It was 5am when I woke up. 5am!
Everyone is into early starts, morning routines - this challenge involving a completely unwelcomed idea of dragging oneself out of bed for no particular reason other than be in the flow of all the others, miserable, half-asleep early starters...
Actually, it's my MiniMan. My lovely, cheeky, 2.5-year old boy. He has no problem with an early start.
He mastered it.
Driven by desire for a bowl of cereals with milk, he uses few of a vast array of his sophisticated 'wake up, mummy!' techniques.
Clearly, each of them works perfectly fine.
In result, we're up.
Eating - obviously, I'm in for that, too; no one should eat alone.
Talking - and it's not me this time.
Jigsawing - that is MiniMan's part, with focus and passion any entrepreneur wish they had.
Reading - that's me, multitasking trained to the perfection, ha!.

Around us, nothing happens. It's dark - it's 5am. 5am!
We're the centre of excitement, and movement.
And frustration, but only for a while, when a particularly stubborn piece doesn't seem to fit into the whole picture. The meaning of life, 2.5-year old way...

[7:30 am update
We managed until 6:00. And then the nap took us both over; my MiniMan and me.
Power nap. It was a power nap.
Pretty cool, apart from the fact I'm now running late.
At least I had my sweet dreams with that nap. Can't complain...

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

The funniest thing and the saddest

The funniest thing I've ever heard - and the saddest 

Scenery set: TV talk show with live audience

All I'm saying is, everybody, at some point of their lives, get cheated on.
Everybody cheats, and everybody gets cheated.

I could've said that's the funniest thing I've ever heard. Only that, I guess... I guess it's true. 
Some pay huge price when they find out...

That's an absurd! Me for example, I had at least few occasions to cheat on. Never have done it.
The one I remember quite well was in Alcaramaya, next to the west coast of Bohomasara, where the local river, Bitomantica, reaches the Red Sea.

Alcaramaya? I've been there fishing once. Beautiful place. Bitomantica: a great river, full of fish. A wonderful coast of Bohomasara, must visit again. Some day.

Al... Alcaramaya? Are you sure?

(nods with enthusiasm)

I've been there. 4 years ago, on my winter holidays. With my sister, who fell for a guy, Adam was his name.
They were together for nearly 2 weeks, spending all the time together, day and night, until his wife and their 2 kids came to him.
Which is how my beloved sister found out he was married. 
Next morning, she threw herself from a cliff, the 400-metres one, at the Bohomasara coast, straight into the current of the Bitomantica river.
She was such an angel.
I miss her so much.
So much


Tuesday, 2 February 2016

A piece of string

35-year old male, always slouching, always childish, seriously in love with Ness
38-year old female, aspiring to be the next Da Vinci: starting new ventures and new businesses every second day, witty and full of irony, quite disappointed with her current life, gracefully ;) accepting Carl's affections

At home
Hey, look what I've got for you today!
(Showing a bright yellow tulip)

(Not looking at Carl from her comfortable chair, next to the fire, busy with some kind of knitting, with weariness in her voice)
What now?

A little bit of appreciation would be nice
(adds with very silent voice)
for a change

I'm sure it's fascinating. It's just ... I wasn't talking to you, I was, I was ... I was talking to this string.
(she points at the piece of woolen string, in bright pink, which she's knitting with)

(Fascinated, like with everything Ness is involved in)
What are you making out of it?

I though of creating a nest, a fake best for fake birds - made of pigeons feathers we have lots of at the balcony anyway - and selling them at extremely high prices to the old and middle-aged women with no purpose in life.

You mean, the ones like you?

(Curtain falls)
