When you look for sth here

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Eight is my favourite number today

I love short stories, so had really good feelings about this set. And still feeling good, very good in fact, when I just read the last page:) so, it's definitely not the 'burn after reading' alley for me...

When you read a story about a girl meeting a guy, you have certain expectations. Mine were all around stronger female characters (ticked), trying to play it cool (ticked), while having their own insecurities and feelings which they not necessarily wished to expose, yet failed to some extent (you guessed it, ticked again). While some talented psychologist is looking for logic behind my definition of a good rom-com read, let's focus on the content of this particular anthology.

They say things come in threes. Well, here they did in eights. And what an entrance that was!:) Humorous, satisfying, easy to digest, but thoughtful at the same time. Like this very bit from one of them, Out of Order by Dee Ernst:
'I need to be brave.'
'Yes, you do.'
'What makes you brave?'
'Isn't that the same thing?'
She took a much longer time to reply.
'Being brave is an action. It's something you do at a particular time yand place. Courage is the thing in your soul that allows you to get up every morning and face the world, even when you're not feeling brave at all.'
'Did you just make that up?'
'No. Fortune cookie.'

To all the readers out there: these eights here won't leave you disappointed... You will feel - well yes - uplifted:)

This honest review was provided in exchange for a free book.

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