When you look for sth here

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Lucky yet sad

2 days ago, it was the day of stripping the house down to its pre-Christmassy state.

All of the sudden, there is this feeling of something missing, almost as if someone very important packed all their things and went away.

More spacious and fresh environment (ok now, in fairness I wouldn't go that far - the place is more airy, agree, but cleaner? not really...). It almost hurts when you look around.

There seems to be a gap in the market in the 'fill the post Xmas tree space' area. If I was a seller in the furniture / home accessories industry, I'd put up a poster in the lines of: 'Our gigantic and otherwise hideously uncomfortable armchairs will now be your best friends, beating up that January blues in flashes of flashes. Missing your Xmas tree? Miss no more - just get one, or better, two of our dazzling green single-seat furniture pieces'...

According to most interior designers, a decluttered space should make you more focused, help you set and follow your goals, since then you do not have to waste your energy on keeping more and more stuff clean.

Well, how about the energy spent of thinking how that lonely room corner there would look like with a needless yet antique, French style plant stand? :_) ....

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