When you look for sth here

Monday, 15 February 2016

Play it by the rules, or as much as you can :)

loves B

loves C

loves E

D loves himself

loves A

loves playing scrabble

Scene 1
At the zoo
I would so much enjoy a Valentine evening with some good red wine.
I have a lot of Merlot in my private cellar, would you be interested in visiting it tonight, A?
Seriously, E. Stop. I'm talking a Valentine evening. With someone I'm deeply in love. Someone I feel connected to. Someone who loves letter B as much as I do.
Before you start going into details, please make sure you're not imagining things too much. Best advice I was ever given on love and relationships was this: be patient and don't rush things. Be patient then, and don't speed things up, to avoid disappointment. Be happy with who you are and what you have first, to feel better when love comes. Be sure it will come one day.
B, you really are 70 years old! Yet, I find your words sincere, and I'm deeply connected with what you're saying. This is just what you need to hear on a day like this, Valentine's Day. You need to be happy with yourself, to be happy in any relationship
Are we going to have another psychological session now? Aren't we suppose to do push-ups? F will come, together with D, and they will be highly disappointed with us not following the fitness schedule for today. That game on 25th is so important to all of us.
Better start push-ups then. Best thing I heard from you today, A!
Thanks (blushing)

Scene 2
At the party
B, would you like some red wine?
Before I reply, cani say something?
(Holding her breath) yes, sure!
Beautiful! Beautiful is your dress that you're wearing today!
Thank you!
But I wish you had more curvy figure, it would suit you better then
What!?! What did you say!?! How dare you judge me like that!!! My curves are perfect, you old stupid imitation of a man!
(Frowns, walks away, in rage)
Bye, A!

Scene 3
(A, B, C, F, all stand around the dead pigeon at the zoo path. No one says a word, they just stare at the dead bird, and that at each other. Someone is playing violin faraway, but all can hear glimpse of music - it's spring by Vivaldi, the first part. All look at the bird in horror. B suddenly stamps his feet and clasps his hands, in the rhythm of the played Spring tunes. All join in, clasping and thumping, but still look in horror at the dead bird. Dead bird lays silently on the path in the middle of the circle of people. There is a wooden stick in his body, with a flag attached, with words: 'LET THERE BE LOVE, PEACE, AND UNDERSTANDING')

Scene 4
C, did you hear? F won the worldwide scrabble competition last night in Vegas! He won 500 000$ cash, and a new Lamborgini. I've always found him very attractive, you know. Just never had enough courage to say that to him.
Really? Yes, I understand. Pity you haven't said that to him earlier. Yesterday, he proposed to me, and I accepted. We're getting married next month, and then off to honeymoon. York will be out place of stay afterwards as we're to open a winery, and a sommelier school later this year. It will be fun! You're already invited to the grand opens of the school!
How nice! Congrats!
A, would you like to see my new additions to the wine collections I made few days ago? Really interesting...
Yeah, whatever...

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